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Grimm Acres, Diversified!

We raise our heirloom livestock and poultry for our own use, and to sell as breeding stock and for butchering. We do not currently ship anything other than hatching eggs, so our poultry and livestock are available for local pickup only.
We will be glad to have an animal transported to our local packing plant, Farmers Packing, for processing to your directions. Pickup of the processed meat will then be up to you. Our numbers are limited, so it’s best to just contact us for availability on any products.
We welcome all inquiries, general questions, and visits whether you are interested in purchasing, or simply interested in general.
- Great Pyrenees Guard Dogs: Fully AKC registered Pyrenees puppies and occasionally young dogs.
- American Guinea Hogs: Registerd Guinea Hog Piglets.
- Tennessee Fainting Goats: Bucks, Does, Kids and Breeding Pairs.
- Poultry: A variety of poultry including Blue Cochin Chickens, Runner Ducks, as well as chicks and hatching eggs.
- Silver Fox Rabbits: Non-registered weaned kits and young adults.
- Grimm Acres Shirts: Shirts for all ages.
We are a proud member of The Livestock Conservancy (TLC), and share the organization’s goal of protecting heritage farm animals and poultry from extinction by “working to conserve historic breeds and genetic diversity in livestock”. The breeds we raise here on Grimm Acres were primarily selected from the TLC’s Conservation Priority List.
Our farming model is a composite of a homestead style and some “permaculture” system ideas with an eye toward sustainability. We use rotational grazing to decrease any need for chemical dewormers while working to build the quality of the soil and pasture.
We would welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver you the best service in the industry.
Visitors are welcome to stop by and take a look at the animals. A phone call will ensure that we are on hand to greet you, and show you around.
Call (618) 445-1896 to check availability of livestock and poultry for purchase, or to arrange a visit.